In addition to conventional ways of expanding on his knowledge of the arts, Baryn Futa also has invested heavily in a constantly growing art collection. That collection has grown so substantial, he now regularly loans works to prominent museums and galleries all over the country and the world. In addition to that contribution to art preservation, Baryn Futa also hopes that a high level of patronage will encourage more people to appreciate the arts at least as much as he does now. That should make many more people feel better about helping him preserve it for the ages.

Baryn Futa sincerely believes that too few people understand and appreciate the important role that the fine arts play in every human society, as an important reminder to future generations of where they had once been. Far too often, art is taken for granted and not appreciated properly as a priority and Baryn Futa hopes to change that attitude among as many as possible with his support of the fine arts, both as a benefactor no an investor.